Los Angeles Dog Blog

Recent Posts:
Beat Boredom

Why your dog loves the fall season

There's no better feeling than that first autumnal breeze signaling a change of seasons. If you live in Los Angeles, it's the first sign of the fall rain that signals the end of the dry summers. If you...

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Health & Wellness

Guide to Common Dog Diseases & Parasites

As a pet parent, it's important to recognize the signs and symptoms of common dog diseases. Recognizing the symptoms early and seeking veterinary help as soon as possible can protect the community and even save your dog's life....

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Fitdog of the Month Hall of Fame

The Fitdog of the Month Hall of Fame is updated monthly to maintain relevance. Last updated: June 1, 2021.  Since the early days of our business, Fitdog has elected a Fitdog of the Month every month to carry the torch...

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Health & Wellness

Improve & maintain your dog’s dental health!

You love your dog, but you don't love their stinky breath. Sound familiar? Many pet owners can agree that brushing their dog's teeth is not a priority or daily practice. And while brushing your dog's teeth might sound...

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Beat Boredom

5 Ways Treadmill Workouts Benefit Dogs

When newcomers tour our daycare and boarding facility in Santa Monica, they always chuckle when they pass the doggy treadmill. They ask: “Is that for real?” The simple answer: absolutely. Pet owners might think it’s impossible to get their dog...

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