Frequently Asked Questions

We’re happy to help

What are your hours of operation for your daycare?

Lobby hours are 7am to 8pm everyday. We are closed on Christmas & Thanksgiving.

Does an indoor dog park reverse potty training?

Dogs are able to differentiate between a dog park, your house, your friend’s house, a back yard, etc. However, if you have a puppy that is not fully house-trained, you will need to continue to reinforce your training at home.

How long are your walks and where do you take the dogs?

Group walks include 3 to 5 dogs and are 10 to 15 minutes long. We walk the dogs around the block avoiding the neighborhood school and children.

What does it mean when you reach capacity?

One of the main differences between our Club and other dog care facilities is that we have a set limit of the number of dogs we will accept to make sure the dogs feel safe and are comfortable. Unfortunately this standard means that sometimes we need to turn members. This typically happens on rainy days and over busy holiday weeks like 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

My veterinarian recommends having my dog spayed/neutered after six months. Can they still come to daycare?

For your dog’s safety, we require all dogs to be spayed or neutered after six months. We recommend weighing the pros and cons of socialization vs potential risk factors. If you decide to wait to spay/neuter, we suggest using an at-home dog walker until your dog is ready to participate in open play activities.

Can my dog get a waiver for vaccination requirements?

We require proof of vaccination Rabies, DHPP (distemper/parvo), Bordetella, Lepto and Canine flu. We are able to except titer for all vaccines except Rabies. These vaccinations are necessary in order to meet the standards set by the State of California as well as to prevent the spread of disease. Rabies exemptions must be approved by the Los Angeles Office of Public Health.

Where do you hike dogs?

Adventure Hikes are on-leash and offered at Kenneth Hahn, Sullivan Canyon, Griffith Park and other dog friendly trails around Los Angeles.

How do I sign up?

Create an account at Then search by date, zip code or class.

Who leads the Adventure Hikes?

Our Excursion Leaders are experienced and trained dog professionals and are employees of Fitdog.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered in order to participate?

Dogs must be spayed or neutered after 6 months old. We appreciate that veterinarians may recommend a different timeline. However, for the purposes of play-based activities, spay/neuter is required for safety and we do not offer exceptions.

What if I can't find classes in my zip code?

We currently service Santa Monica, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades, West LA, Marina Del Rey, Venice, Mar Vista, and Beverly Hills. If you are located in Los Angeles and your zip code is not showing up, send a note to

Is my dog old enough for exercise-based group classes?

Our minimum requirement for outdoor excursions is for dogs to be at least 6 months old. For larger breeds (adult weight of over 65lbs), we recommend dogs are at least 8 months old but ask that you consult with your veterinarian.

What are Partner Trainers?

Our training partners are experience and certified and/or educated and fully vetted by Fitdog.

What types of training do you offer?

Training is determined by the Partner Trainer and can include day training programs, workshops, dog-only classes, hikes, tutorials and more. You can search for training on our website or platform.