April showers bring May flowers. Flowers that you want to make sure aren’t destroyed by Fido! Whether you’re planting organic berries and herbs or fragrant florals, one thing you don’t want is your pup “helping.” To keep your garden safe, here are few ways to ensure your dog stays out.
Create their own play area.
Give your canine his own special place. Dig a hole and fill it with sand. By creating a sandbox and adding some toys, your pup won’t be interested in your garden because they will have their own place of entertainment!
Spice things up.
Around your perimeter, sprinkle a layer of crushed red peppers or powdered mustard. Dogs don’t enjoy the heat and will avoid the area.
Build an adorable fence.
Keep your dog out by building a fence around your flower beds and gardening zone. With a little paint, your fence will be sure to compliant your garden.
Use short stakes.
Place short stakes throughout the garden. The short stakes reduce the chance of your dog getting comfortable. With no place to sit or lay down, their paws will certainly stay out of the garden.
Plant barrier plants.
Use the perimeter plants in your garden as barrier plants. Pick out plants that are tall or fragrant. Plants with these qualities will make it less appealing for your dog to enter the garden.
With these tips, you can have the garden of your dreams full of flowers and fantastic produce to tend to in our amazing SoCal weather.