Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Five reasons you can’t afford NOT to license and microchip your dog

More and more cities are requiring owners to license and microchip their pets. While this can seem invasive, tedious, or unimportant, we're here to tell you that it is absolutely worth it to license and microchip your dog! Here...

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Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Fitdog Five: 5 products to keep dogs safe at night

With winter comes shorter days and longer nights. This likely means your after-work stroll around the block will probably take place after dark. Luckily, you don't have to be in the dark about keeping dogs safe at night....

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For homeless pets, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is a vital second chance

Last updated March 6, 2019. Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is the actual happiest place on Earth. This 3700-acre property located in Kanab, Utah allows companion animals to get a second chance at a meaningful life. Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is nestled in Angel...

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Health & Wellness

Car safety

Seatbelts are a must when it comes to driving or riding in a vehicle. However, what about your furry friend and fellow passenger? You can ensure your dog’s safety while allowing them autonomy in their seat with car...

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Health & Wellness
Just for Fun

Keeping your pup out of the garden

April showers bring May flowers. Flowers that you want to make sure aren’t destroyed by Fido! Whether you’re planting organic berries and herbs or fragrant florals, one thing you don’t want is your pup “helping.” To keep your...

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