Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Food & Diet

5 kitchen staples to keep your dog happy and healthy in the new year

Ever wonder which human foods are safe to share with your dog? You can easily give your dog a nutritious boost with some of your own favorite kitchen ingredients. Keep your dog happy and healthy this new year...

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Gifts that give back to animals

Shopping for the holidays and love animals? Here are some gifts that help to give back to our beloved furry friends. One Hope Wine One Hope's diverse range of wines come in a sleek bottle, and a portion of every...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

Scent Work provides mind games for the nosey hound

We're excited to announce our new Scent Work class!  You might know that dog noses are at least 10,000x stronger than ours. It is easily a dog's most resourceful instrument, yet they don't always have a chance to fine-tune it....

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Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting
Dog Training

Why daycare is not a cure for separation anxiety in dogs

Daycare sounds like the ultimate cure for anxious dogs. Having constant supervision, interaction, and activity should make for one happy pup, right? Well, in the case of dogs suffering from separation anxiety, daycare is actually a pretty miserable...

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Dog Training

Tips for Training Non-Treat Motivated Dogs

Recently, Fitdog was featured on The Dogington Post with our article "Tips for Training Non-Treat Motivated Dogs." We recommend this read for any dog parent who struggles with keeping their dog's attention during training lessons. Could your dog care...

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