Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness
Products & Gear

Reduce dog shedding: Tips for healthier coat and skin

The number one thing pet owners complain about is shedding. It seems like dog fur is just the reality of dog ownership. But it doesn't have to be. While nearly all pets shed, there are ways to reduce...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Best travel water bowls for dogs

Whether you and your dog are hiking, running, or playing at the beach, it is important that you both stay hydrated. Some places have water fountains for people or you might have to carry water. Either way, every...

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Sincerely, Fitdog

An Interview With Fitdog’s Co-Founder

Since Fitdog's conception, it has been the company's goal to offer easily accessible sports activities for all dogs. In October 2018, we launch an online platform that allows owners to conveniently book sports-based training, classes, and excursions for...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training
Sincerely, Fitdog

Complete Guide to Fitdog Group Classes

Are you a busy pet parent with a bored dog at home? Or do you want your dog to have a more enriching life? Fitdog's Group Classes keep dogs active and engaged during the day while owners are at...

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Food & Diet

5 kitchen staples to keep your dog happy and healthy in the new year

Ever wonder which human foods are safe to share with your dog? You can easily give your dog a nutritious boost with some of your own favorite kitchen ingredients. Keep your dog happy and healthy this new year...

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