Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Beat Boredom

Why your dog loves the fall season

There's no better feeling than that first autumnal breeze signaling a change of seasons. If you live in Los Angeles, it's the first sign of the fall rain that signals the end of the dry summers. If you...

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness

Avoid These Grooming Mistakes With Your Doodle

The “doodle” craze has been all the rage lately because they are non-shedding, hypoallergenic dogs. But, just because they don’t have an undercoat, doesn’t mean they are low maintenance. In fact, doodles are one of the most difficult...

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness

The five most common mistakes new pet owners make

When you decide to bring a dog into your family, there are so many things to consider. The following is a list of the most common mistakes new pet owners make. Prepare yourself by knowing the ins and...

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness
Products & Gear

Reduce dog shedding: Tips for healthier coat and skin

The number one thing pet owners complain about is shedding. It seems like dog fur is just the reality of dog ownership. But it doesn't have to be. While nearly all pets shed, there are ways to reduce...

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Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting
Health & Wellness

Why doggy daycare can wait

Did you get a new puppy or have a high energy dog? Thinking about doggy daycare? Even when your puppy has met all of the daycare requirements, starting daycare too soon can be detrimental for young dogs, especially...

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