Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Dog Training
Health & Wellness

Friendly vs. aggressive play

Have you ever been alarmed at your dogs’ behavior while playing with other dogs and wondered – is it friendly or aggressive? Here are a few common behaviors that are forms of friendly play. Barking is a vocal form...

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Food & Diet
Just for Fun

Best Dog Bakeries in Los Angeles

We know how much you love to spoil your pup – we’re right there with you! From awesome chew toys to decadent treats to the best day care, it’s all a part of the fun of having a...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Best leashes for running

Fall weather offers the perfect temperatures for running your pup! Here are our favorite leashes for running with your dog. Hurtta Jogging Leash – This leash frees your hands by using an ergonomic handle and is a great...

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Beat Boredom

How to get rid of doggy boredom this summer

With their owners out and about on fun summer vacations and doing hot-weather activities, it’s easy for pups to get bored at home. Dogs are extremely resourceful when it comes to alleviating their own boredom — they’ll start...

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Beat Boredom
Food & Diet

Summer dog treats you can make at home

Summer is the perfect time to whip up some homemade treats for your pup. A frozen treat is a great way for your dog to get extra healthy fruits and vegetables into their diet. Here are some healthy...

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