Los Angeles Dog Blog

Recent Posts:
Health & Wellness

What to Do When Your Dog Goes Missing

Whether it’s for five minutes, five days or five weeks, one of the worst feelings is when your dog goes missing. You never think it can happen to you until it’s too late. We want to make sure you...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

Meet our Trainers: Rhonda Feinberg

If your dog has participated in Fun & Fit Agility, Pool Safety, or Training, you may know Rhonda Feinberg. Her philosophy is simple: training should be fun and effective. With over 16 years of training under her belt,...

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Dog Training

Meet our trainers: Jeff Soto

Meet Jeff Soto, Fitdog's longtime Principal Trainer and friend! Jeff has an amazing way of communicating with dogs that helps them comprehend training. His students are a testament to his incredible skill. After years of working with Jeff...

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Just for Fun

Planning a road trip with your dog

Looking for the perfect companion on your road trip? Your dog could be the travel buddy you’ve been looking for all along. Just like humans, dogs need to prepare for an upcoming trip. Here are some tips that...

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Health & Wellness
Just for Fun

How to dog-proof your summer barbeque

When summer is in season, there is no better way to celebrate the hot summer days than to host a weekend barbeque with friends! Summer barbeques can be fun for you and your guests, but they can also...

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