Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

The Two Causes of Leash Aggression

Many dog owners have issues with walking their dogs on a leash. Lunging at strangers, excessive barking, and growling are all types of behaviors that indicate leash aggression or leash reactivity. If you have a dog with leash...

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Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting
Health & Wellness

How to choose the perfect daycare for your dog

Choosing a daycare or overnight boarding place for your dog is no easy feat! There is a lot that goes into creating the best experience for your dog, from both an operational and parental perspective. Make sure to...

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Dog Training
Health & Wellness

Ways you might be harming your dog without realizing it

We all do certain things that may not be the best for our pets. Whether you feed table scraps or allow for cheerful jumping, we're not here to pass judgment. But did you know those little bad habits...

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Food & Diet

5 kitchen staples to keep your dog happy and healthy in the new year

Ever wonder which human foods are safe to share with your dog? You can easily give your dog a nutritious boost with some of your own favorite kitchen ingredients. Keep your dog happy and healthy this new year...

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Just for Fun

Help us collect 2020 lbs. during our pet food drive!

Help us make the most of this holiday season by donating to our 2020 Pet Food Drive! Now through the end of the year, we’ll be collecting dog and cat food donations to give to Operation Blankets of...

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