Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Beat Boredom

Fitdog Does: LACMA’s Barky Brunch

Every Saturday and Sunday, Ray's at LACMA offers a Barky Brunch menu in addition to their human-friendly fare. I took Fitdog's (un)official food critic, a 14-year-old cocker spaniel named Ginger, to test their offerings, and her response was...

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The Ultimate Pet Travel Checklist

Traveling solo might be a breeze for the avid vacationer, but adding a dog into the mix can be problematic if you're not prepared. We know it's a lot to remember, so we put together the ultimate pet travel...

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Health & Wellness

Car safety

Seatbelts are a must when it comes to driving or riding in a vehicle. However, what about your furry friend and fellow passenger? You can ensure your dog’s safety while allowing them autonomy in their seat with car...

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Health & Wellness
Just for Fun

Keeping your pup out of the garden

April showers bring May flowers. Flowers that you want to make sure aren’t destroyed by Fido! Whether you’re planting organic berries and herbs or fragrant florals, one thing you don’t want is your pup “helping.” To keep your...

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Health & Wellness

Health Watch: Canine influenza in Los Angeles

Dogs are vaccinated to prevent getting life-threatening illnesses, but did you know that new strains continue to occur? A new Canine Influenza (H3N2) has now spread to LA County. We want to give you the real deal on...

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