Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness

10 Facts About Fleas You Didn’t Know

As the weather warms up in Southern California, it's essential to stay vigilant when it comes to fleas. These tiny pests can quickly become a big problem for both you and your furry friends, especially in warmer climates...

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Health & Wellness

Is a raw food diet right for your dog?

Raw food diets are becoming increasingly popular, but they are no new concept. Raw diets are similar to the original doggie diet because the hounds of yesteryear hunted and ate raw meat on the regular. Dogs' bodies are made...

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Caring for Dog
Dog Training
Products & Gear

Dog Training Tools: What to Use and What to Avoid

Sometimes, dogs need training. But many times, dogs exhibit behavioral problems out of boredom and anxiety, and these behaviors can be quelled with the right tools. In both cases, dog training tools can help you immensely. And knowing...

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Just for Fun
Sincerely, Fitdog

Meet the Women of Fitdog!

As a women-owned and operated company, we know how much value our female colleagues bring to the workplace. We're proud to celebrate International Women's Day by highlighting some of the women who play an integral role in our...

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Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

The 5 Best Dog Harnesses for Safety

Are you looking for a harness that is both safe and comfortable for your furry friend? Whether you're planning to travel in the car with your dog or jut take them on daily walks, it's important to choose...

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