We love our pets, and so do fleas. Unfortunately, these parasitic, champion jumpers always seem to find their way into our homes during the muggy summer months. And consequently, you’re faced with the challenge of how to de-flea your home.
Luckily, you don’t need to resort to poisonous flea-bombs to get rid of these pests. Instead, you can go with a natural solution that will just as effectively resolve your flea problem.
But first, some quick flea facts
• The life cycle of a flea happens in four stages: egg, larva, pupae, and adult. The reason fleas are so hard to get rid of is because usually, they will come bearing eggs and produce generations of fleas within a single breeding ground (AKA your dog or home). Therefore, it’s important to get fleas at multiple stages of life, which is why you need a few products.
• 3/4’s of a flea’s life cycle is spent somewhere other than on a host animal. That means, whether or not fleas are on your pet, they can thrive in your home.
• Fleas are parasitic and have the potential to transmit tapeworms, anemia, and allergies to pets. And that is why we get rid of fleas!
Naturally de-flea your home in 3 steps
Nobody has time for toxic chemicals to be sprayed all over their home. Put that flea bomb down and follow these three simple steps to naturally eradicate fleas from your home:
Deep clean your home
Start by liberally shaking a baking soda & salt mixture in your carpets. This mixture will dehydrate flea eggs, which prevents them from hatching. Use a broom or brush to make sure the powder gets in there, and then leave it overnight.
Then, vacuum everything. The excellent news is that a study found that vacuuming is highly effective in killing fleas at all stages of life. (Hint: The more moving parts in the vacuum, the more fleas it kills.) Dispose of your vacuum bag afterward.
Anything you can’t vacuum, wash on high heat or alternatively, steam.
Where to start: bedding, furniture, anywhere your dog hangs out, clothing, and carpets.
This is definitely the most important step in getting fleas out of your home. You may have to repeat this cleaning process every 3-4 days until all the fleas are gone, but it’s worth it to spare your home of toxic fumes.
Bathe + medicate your dog
To get the fleas off of your dog, try a flea bath. If you live near Santa Monica, you can come to Fitdog for an all-natural flea bath, and if not, you can easily do one at home!
Flea baths can kill the fleas that are on your dog. However, it won’t stop new ones from jumping onto your dog. The best way to ensure your dog doesn’t get another round of fleas is to put your dog on flea medication. Need help choosing the right flea products for your dog? Read our guide to flea medication.
Keep herbs handy
Herbs are a lovely addition to any home and conveniently, they repel fleas! Check out a full list of flea-repelling herbs here. Here are a few ways you can utilize herbs:
- Plant herbs in and around your home, particularly around entrances or windows. Think of them as a fortress for your home!
- Keep an arsenal of essential oils around. You can dab some in your dog’s collar or on a bandana.
- Keep muslin bags filled with dried herbs tucked in your dog’s bed. This would prevent any further fleas from taking up residence in your dog’s bed.
Unfortunately, these are tough little creatures. But if you are diligent about being on flea duty for 3-4 weeks, the patience will pay off as you reclaim your space. Here’s wishing you the best of luck as you de-flea your home!