There are a number of things to consider when choosing a bed for your dog. With so many great options available, how do you know which one to choose? Or which one your dog will even like?
First, pay attention to how your dog relaxes and what position they typically sleep in and then match it with a bed type.
Types of Sleeping Posting and Bed Recommendations
Curlers – Donut – These dogs like to curl up and feel safe, so a donut shaped bed is probably the option.
Burrowers –Nesting
Leaners –Bolster
Sprawler – Lounging/Pillow and Mat
You’ll also want to consider your dog’s age, size, breed and physical condition. Larger breeds, seniors and dogs that are experiencing joint pain will need more support. Orthopedic and warming beds can provide much needed support and comfort for post-operative dogs and those with arthritis.
Be sure to choose one the right size of bed for your dog. You may want to measure the length of your dog while lying flat and completely stretched out from tip to tail to make sure you get one that is large enough.
Keep in mind the durability needs of the bed. Be sure to choose sturdy materials that can’t be ripped or consumed by your pet. If your dog or puppy is prone to accidents, be sure to look for a bed that is completely washable, including the outer cover, the inner lining and the filler. You may also want to buy an extra outer cover so you always have a clean one available or just to change things up. If you need a chew and accident proof bed for your dog consider a cot-like one such as Kuranda.
With so many options available, you should have no problem finding a bed that best suits your dog’s personality and compliments your home décor.
Choosing a pet bed doesn’t have to be guesswork. Armed with your new knowledge, finding a dog bed is easy.
This article was first published at First Class Canine Twitter: @firstclasscanin