Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Beat Boredom
Health & Wellness

Five tips for running with your dog

Ready to lace up those running shoes? Running with your dog provides your pup with much-needed exercise. It’s also a great way to bond with your dog, reinforce training, and even a great motivator for your own fitness...

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Caring for Dog
Health & Wellness

Overcome the Fear of Trimming Your Dog’s Nails

We know trimming your dog’s nails isn’t your favorite thing to do, and your pup is probably not a fan either. But most people don’t realize that your dog’s unkempt nails can cause them health issues and discomfort. Why...

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Just for Fun
Valentine's Day

Fitdog 2020 Valentines to Benefit Guidry’s Guardian Foundation

This year, Fitdog is celebrating love by creating custom valentines featuring your dog! Valentine's are $10 and 100% of proceeds will go to Guidry's Guardian Foundation. Guidry's Guardian's mission is simple. "We provide financial assistance to individuals and organizations...

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Sincerely, Fitdog

An Interview With Fitdog’s Co-Founder

Since Fitdog's conception, it has been the company's goal to offer easily accessible sports activities for all dogs. In October 2018, we launch an online platform that allows owners to conveniently book sports-based training, classes, and excursions for...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

The Two Causes of Leash Aggression

Many dog owners have issues with walking their dogs on a leash. Lunging at strangers, excessive barking, and growling are all types of behaviors that indicate leash aggression or leash reactivity. If you have a dog with leash...

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