Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Dog Training
Health & Wellness

Friendly vs. aggressive play

Have you ever been alarmed at your dogs’ behavior while playing with other dogs and wondered – is it friendly or aggressive? Here are a few common behaviors that are forms of friendly play. Barking is a vocal form...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Best leashes for running

Fall weather offers the perfect temperatures for running your pup! Here are our favorite leashes for running with your dog. Hurtta Jogging Leash – This leash frees your hands by using an ergonomic handle and is a great...

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Caring for Dog

Pet sitter vs. dog facility

Pet sitter vs. dog facility: it's a question all pet owners face. If you love to travel as much as you love your pups, sooner or later you’ll have to make the hard decision of leaving your dog...

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3 reasons why less active dogs enjoy daycare

You might wonder if your laid back or people-orientated dog will enjoy daycare. Here are 3 reasons why less active pups not only like dog daycare but also thrive in it. 1. Social Engagement A social structure emerges...

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Why dog daycare should not be your dog’s primary source of exercise

One of the most common mistakes dog owners make is not giving their furry friend enough exercise, which can lead to boredom and potentially neurotic and destructive behaviors. In fact, many owners mistakenly rely on dog daycare as...

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