Los Angeles Dog Blog

Recent Posts:
Health & Wellness

Improve & maintain your dog’s dental health!

You love your dog, but you don't love their stinky breath. Sound familiar? Many pet owners can agree that brushing their dog's teeth is not a priority or daily practice. And while brushing your dog's teeth might sound...

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Complete guide to adopting a dog this holiday season

Thinking about adopting or giving a pet as a gift this holiday season? There is a lot to consider. Here is a complete guide to adopting a dog that covers everything from financial commitments to ongoing responsibilities to...

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Caring for Dog
Daycare / Pet Sitting
Health & Wellness

Why doggy daycare can wait

Did you get a new puppy or have a high energy dog? Thinking about doggy daycare? Even when your puppy has met all of the daycare requirements, starting daycare too soon can be detrimental for young dogs, especially...

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Food & Diet
Just for Fun

Frozen Dog Treats for Summer: 4 Pupsicle Recipes to Treat your Dog

Summer is here and it's warming up! Dogs love cooling down with frozen summer treats just as much as we do. We have created four savory and sweet recipes to help beat the heat this summer. Pupsicles are also...

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Beat Boredom

5 Ways Treadmill Workouts Benefit Dogs

When newcomers tour our daycare and boarding facility in Santa Monica, they always chuckle when they pass the doggy treadmill. They ask: “Is that for real?” The simple answer: absolutely. Pet owners might think it’s impossible to get their dog...

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