Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Dog Training

Potty training a new dog doesn’t have to be scary

When it comes to potty training a new dog, patience and consistency are key! While you may be questioning how to start, we put together this simple guide to simplify your potty training experience. We know what you're...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Just for Fun
Products & Gear

What to bring on a camping trip with your dog

Camping is a time for catching fireflies, hanging by a campfire with friends, and enjoying the great outdoors. When taking your beloved pup camping, it is important to be prepared, especially during your dog’s first time. Here are...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

Summer dog toys

Summer is almost here and with that comes longer days, warmer weather and more opportunities to have fun with your dog outside. To keep them entertained all summer long we have compiled a list of 5 summer dog...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

Essential first commands

It is important to start training your dog as soon as you bring them home. However, many new dog owners don’t know where to start. In our opinion, the essential first commands to teach your dog should are “yes”,...

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Beat Boredom

Santa Monica dog trails

Who doesn’t love hitting the trails in the L.A. area with their dog? Trails are often much more scenic than your typical street walk and offer a sense of peacefulness and cleaner air to go along with that...

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