Los Angeles Dog Blog

Recent Posts:
Beat Boredom

How to prepare for your dog’s first hike

Getting ready for your dog's first hike can be like sending the kids off to school for the first time. Both nervous and exciting, it is a memorable and novel experience. While dogs might have the four-leg advantage...

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Dog Training

Dogs & kids: How to promote positive interactions with your dog

Kids and dogs are so cute together. Having a pet can be a wonderful learning experience for kids, and of course, they are the best companions. However, it’s important to make sure the interactions are safe and mutually...

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Dog Training
Health & Wellness

Signs your dog is stressed

Worried your dog is stressed? Or, you may think your dog is living a carefree life, but don’t be fooled! Dogs experience stress just like their owners do, although they express it differently. And often times, they're good...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

Five essential dog training tips for success

With so much to know about training a dog, it's hard to know where to start. However, what few people know is that you can set a solid foundation for your dog by following a few key rules....

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Just for Fun

Meet our staff: Felipe Avalos

We prioritize your precious pups and create a unique environment where they can play, exercise their body and mind, and have a safe place to call their home away from home. Join us as we showcase some of...

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