Los Angeles Dog Blog

Recent Posts:

The Ultimate Pet Travel Checklist

Traveling solo might be a breeze for the avid vacationer, but adding a dog into the mix can be problematic if you're not prepared. We know it's a lot to remember, so we put together the ultimate pet travel...

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Caring for Dog

Grooming for holiday pictures

Thinking of including your dog in your holiday pictures this year? We're here to tell you that is an excellent idea, and also, you probably need to get pups groomed before their photo op. Whether you're looking for...

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Dog Training
Health & Wellness

Signs your dog is stressed

Worried your dog is stressed? Or, you may think your dog is living a carefree life, but don’t be fooled! Dogs experience stress just like their owners do, although they express it differently. And often times, they're good...

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Caring for Dog
Food & Diet
Products & Gear

Sustainable dog products that give back and make you feel good

Sustainable dog products make it possible for all of us to lead better lives, our pets included. In this list, we included gifts that are sure to speak to dogs and dog lovers alike. That way, no matter...

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Beat Boredom
Caring for Dog
Products & Gear

The best non-stuffing dog toys

You love your dog. Your dog loves his or her toys. Or do they? You bring home a new stuffed toy and within 30 seconds, it’s destroyed! Dogs destroy toys for various reasons. Tearing up a toy reduces stress,...

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