Los Angeles Dog Blog

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Five Myths About Dog Daycare

With so many myths about dog daycare on the internet, it's If you're considering taking your dog to daycare, but you've heard some unsettling stories from the ethers of the internet, you've come to the right place. It's hard...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

Dog Sports: Water Dogs

If you're the owner of a Labrador, Golden, or Chesapeake Retriever, or another breed of water dog, you may have noticed that your dog has an especially keen enthusiasm for fetching toys or jumping in the water. For generations, these...

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12 dogs that made Christmas movies better

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Russell nipping at your toes. Yuletide howls being sung by rottweilers, and corgs dressed up in human clothes. Whether you're traveling or staying put for the holidays, you can enjoy one...

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Beat Boredom
Dog Training

What it’s actually like being a professional dog hiker

We were so excited to find out that November 17th is National Take a Hike Day! Or as we like to call it, National Take a Hike With Your Dog Day. Hiking was one of the first parts...

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Sincerely, Fitdog

Life with a senior dog

November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month! This is an initiative meant to bring awareness to older shelter pets who were surrendered by their previous owners. Studies cite age and breed type as two of the most important...

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