Most dog owners will probably have to help their pup through the awkward challenges of wearing a cone at some point. While it’s sad to see your pup wearing this overbearing headdress, it is the best option to allow your dog to heal or to prevent issues.
We get it– it’s hard not to cave into that sad-eyed, cone-bearing puppy of yours. But here are three solid and guilt-free benefits of having your dog wear a cone:
Protects Wounds
If your dog has a wound they can reach, they will probably try to lick it. Whether your dog has a broken nail, a minor scratch, or a flea bite, it’s best that your dog can’t reach it. Licking wounds can cause them to become infected and can lead to very expensive vet visits. Avoid turning a small issue into a big deal.
Prevents Hot Spots
At the first sight of a hot spot forming, putting a cone on your dog can keep it from getting larger and infected. The cone acts as a barrier between the hot spot and your dog’s mouth, preventing licking and biting. Keeping the hot spot clean and treated is essential to a speedy recovery.
Allows Healing
Most importantly, a cone allows time for healing after injuries or stitches. Your dog only needs a couple of minutes to lick and bite them out, so don’t risk it. With a cone, stitches stay in and save you an extra trip to the vet for replacements. Proper wound care after surgery will help your dog heal faster and have fewer complications. A cone will allow you to cleanse the area without your pup’s little, wet nose getting in the way.
If your pup isn’t crazy about the stiff recovery collars, there are now soft cone collars that are more comfortable alternatives. Because they’re flexible, your dog can do many of his normal activities without you having to remove the collar.
It’s always important to maintain proper grooming, stay on flea medications, have updated vaccines, and be aware of your dog’s allergies to prevent itching or skin irritation.